I'm proud to announce the publication of my first Boxed Set with Siren-Bookstrand. Five sensual, spicy and sweet historical romances set in the exciting and epic ancient world. Experience the passion and adventure of ancient Rome, golden treasure, pagan magic and more!
My Historical Romance Collection Boxed Set is now on Amazon
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More details below. Excerpts and Reviews here
Flavia's Secret
Dare Flavia trust Marcus with her deadly secret?
Flavia's Secret

For his part torn between attraction and respect, Marcus will not force himself on Flavia. Flavia by now knows of his grief over the deaths of his wife Drusilla and child. But how can she match up to the serene, flame-haired Drusilla?
As the wild mid-winter festival of Saturnalia approaches, many lives will be changed forever.
Romantic Times:
'The ancient locale that is now modern Bath lends a vivid backdrop to a tender love story surrounded by mystery, danger and deceit. Readers will appreciate Townsend's thorough research and fluid style. Well-written secondary characters complement the action.'
Historical Novels Review Online (amongst reviews for May 2009):
Townsend has a great ear for snappy dialog, and even her most minor characters spring instantly to life with a carefully-chosen sentence or description. Most details of Roman Britain at the time are faithfully rendered, although at its heart, this is a timeless story of two people finding love where they least expect it. Flavia’s Secret is cheerfully recommended.
Historical Romance Club:
Lindsay Townsend's novel, Flavia's Secret, is an enjoyable romantic suspense set in an exotic time and place. The heroine's plight is touching and endearing. The plot, with its evil villain, engages the reader well. This is a good, light historical romance novel that is perfect for summer reading.
Dear Author:
The historical details are lovely. The time and place are very well done. Brava for picking a spot other than Londinium or the border with the wild Caledonians. I have to admit that while reading the scenes in the baths, I couldn’t help but think of all the Regency and Georgian era books I’ve read with all the characters trooping down to take a glass of the healthful waters – hold your nose while you drink that nasty, sulfurous stuff!
And the conflict between the hero and heroine – i.e. the source of the title of the book – is fantastic. Now here’s a real reason for the heroine to hold her tongue and keep things from the hero. When faced with the possible fate meted out to slaves whose master dies suddenly, I’d do just what Flavia does and then some.
Red Roses for Authors:
The romance between Flavia and Marcus is strong and passionate and the mystery is intriguing. Very enjoyable.
Romance Junkies:
FLAVIA’S SECRET is a passionate historical romance. Set in ancient England during Roman rule, I enjoyed reading about these two wonderful characters as well as the setting and town in which the novel took place. Marcus and Flavia were perfect for each other and this book was the perfect read for my ancient history loving soul. Thumbs up Ms. Townsend! I loved every word of FLAVIA’S SECRET!
Long and the Short Reviews:
Flavia's Secret is also an emotionally satisfying read. The story pulls the reader in to share the events and to empathize fully with the main characters. It is impossible to put it down once you've started to read it. Moreover, Lindsay Townsend has achieved what all writers strive for—the reader will wish the story would go on forever.
A Secret Treasure
Rhodes in the late 1930s is a dangerous place to fall in love.
Rhodes in the late 1930s is a dangerous place to fall in love.

When pretty, passionate Eve Burnett meets the darkly intriguing Julio Falcone, she is torn. As a man, Julio is powerfully attractive. As a policeman, he is bound to be a Fascist. Her brother, David, who is missing, is connected to the Greek Partisans who wish to liberate Rhodes from their Italian overlords.
Now, as David appears at their parents' house soon after Julio makes Eve's acquaintance, Eve is compelled to hide her brother and a mysterious gold statuette. The Fascists are looking for him and this secret treasure. Soon, Eve realizes that she may be forced to choose between the man she loves and the ultimate safety of her family.
(If you like romantic suspense in Greek island settings, you may also like Night of the Storm, also set in Rhodes, and the Corfu-based The English Daughter, both reissued as ebooks at Amazon and Smashwords, .)

Coffee Time Romance:
I liked Eve immediately. She is full of common sense, good values, and is a hard worker. The rest of her family I was not so thrilled about. A more condescending bunch would be hard to find. They treat her like an idiot child and expect her to work ceaselessly to take care of them, when I suspect that they could well afford someone to help her. Julio is a great character; he is trying to get by in a very trying time. He and Eve have a very sweet love story with a lot of suspense, and a particularly vile villain. Ms. Townsend paints a beautiful picture of Rhodes and its towns and people, as well as giving the reader a plot fraught with tension and danger.
Fallen Angel Reviews:
This is no armchair tourist account of Rhodes. It is clear Lindsay Townsend knows the island. She weaves her knowledge of history and setting into A Secret Treasure. Both Julio and Eve are unique, well crafted characters. Their courtship is natural and charming. The bad guy is deliciously bad. It is fortunate that A Secret Treasure is only 102 pages long as you’ll want to read it all in one sitting.
Red Roses for Authors:
This is an exciting mystery romance that takes place during troubled times, before the Italians joined the Germans in World War 11. As usual, Townsend carries the reader with her to the finish of this story, which ends with a clever twist. Well worth reading.
The Long and the Short of It:
Suspenseful from its opening lines, Townsend’s A Secret Treasuretakes us on a journey through historic Italy and into a story that charms with its joys, terrifies with its suspense, and more than intrigues with very unusual and interesting setting.
Wild on Books:
A Secret Treasure catches the readers eyes with its expertly written plot abounding with secrets and suspense. I loved watching Julio and Eve fall in love and the fact that they loved each other so desperately was just icing on the cake. Lindsay Townsend continues to release novels that are emotionally gripping. While A Secret Treasure is not as explicit sexually as some of her other novels, I hardly noticed. I was too involved with the story and Julio’s dreaminess!
Escape to Love
Will Severus and Lydia escape a deadly, sensual trap?
Severus is a slave, dragged from the fields to an uncertain future. Warned to expect no mercy from a mysterious young woman who comes to him in the night, he learns that his natural father is his owner, Calvus, and that he has a half-brother, Thallus.
Thallus has no sexual interest in women but he is desperate for an heir. Severus and Thallus' sexy young wife Lydia, whom Severus recognizes as the mystery woman who warned him, are sent to the family palace at Baiae and expected to breed.
Lydia, used to an unconsummated, loveless marriage, is intrigued by the handsome Severus and appalled by her husband's and father-in-law's treatment of him. She finds herself anticipating their lovemaking. She also wants to help Severus to escape because she knows that once he has served his purpose, Thallus and Calvus will never let him live.
They have just a month to escape.
5 Angels - "Escape To Love is a rare erotic romance set in Roman times. The unique setting prompts equally unique sexual positions and variations. The writing sparkles, the research is well woven in, and the emotion builds. Severus is strong yet gallant. The first scene made me sympathetic to his situation. Lydia is witty and brave. Together, they work as a couple. Escape To Love is a extraordinary read." -- Kimber, Fallen Angel Reviews
5 Cherries - "It's very clear that the author did her research, and knows her facts about the Roman Empire. I found those little details she incorporated about everyday life fascinating and they greatly enriched the plot. Parts of this story were laugh out loud funny, and others were just how I like my romance: Hot. Thanks to Lindsay Townsend, I will never look at spanking the same again. I highly enjoyed, and greatly recommend Escape to Love!" -- Daisy, Whipped Cream Reviews
4 Bookmarks - "Lindsay Townsend's ability to weave historical tales with the amount of passion and sensuality has me completely hooked. Escape to Love is timeless and true love lasts forever and is able to scale all heights. Severus and Lydia beat the odds and for that I am glad. Escape to Love is available at Siren Publishing. Lovers of historical romance will be thrilled with this steamy and sweet novella. I know I was!" -- Natalie S., Wild on Books
4 Stars - "Escape To Love is written with humor. The scenes where Apollonius is giving the couple instructions on how to create a child are funny." -- Anne Boling, ReviewYourBook
Bronze Lightning
Can Fearn and Sarmatia's love survive?

Sarmatia is a trainer for the Bull Rite, the dangerous, glamorous ceremony of bull-leaping that gave a young Kretan entry into adulthood. Fearn is healer from the distant northern Isle of Stones summoned for his skills to the sick-bed of Minos, the Kretan king. They meet on the dusty flagstones of the palace courtyard and both save a life.
A year passes. They are betrothed, but Fearn has returned home and is chosen king of his small northern country. As king, master of storms, he cannot return to Krete. Fearn writes to Sarmatia releasing her from her vows - but is this what they really want?
Sarmatia leaves Krete to search for Fearn. Many months and life-and-death adventures later, she is reunited with him. She and Fearn are still deeply in love but there is an unknown enemy working against them, one who will stop at nothing, even murder.
Bookstrand Publishing
Print Book
Red Roses for Authors
This is a remarkable book in that it takes you back in time. It is well written so that you get a glimpse of the world at that time and it gives you a wonderful mystery as to who is behind the attacks and keeps you guessing as to what will happen next. The many twists and turns keeps you engrossed as you try to figure out who is behind all the mishaps that keep happening.
(Bronze Lightning also won the main Red Roses Christmas Award for 2009.)
PS: Sarmatia makes a short but tumultuous visit to the vizier Ramose in Blue Gold.
Silk and Steel - A gladiator and a bath-girl fight against the cruelty of Roman masters.
Decimus buys beautiful, red-headed Corinna from Silvinus Cato, a nominal Christian and her cold Roman master. Corinna, also a Christian, is terrified to be sold to a hired killer but finds Decimus to be an honorable, caring man--and overwhelmingly sexy.
Their lovemaking introduces her to passion she has never known before, and love-spanking that she finds deeply erotic. Happy for the first time in her life, she is horrified when her former master, Silvinus Cato, comes to Decimus' house with devastating information. Decimus, whom she is beginning to care for deeply, has killed Joseph, the holy man who converted her to Christianity. Silvinus Cato says she must be like Judith in the Bible and kill Decimus in his sleep. Corinna is appalled and suspicious. Why does Silvinus Cato want Decimus dead? And what should she do?
After I wrote 'Flavia's Secret', I found myself fascinated by the story of a Roman girl who served as a toga girl in the public baths. Could there be a happy ever after for her and a man equally reviled and desired in Roman society - a gladiator? 'Silk and Steel' is my story of two people redeemed by love. ~ Lindsay ~
A Siren Erotic Romance
4 ANGELS: "Silk and Steel is an enjoyable novelette with plenty of steamy love scenes, including some spanking, as well as a good dose of angst. Corinna struggles to reconcile her religious faith with her desires and the nature of Decimus's work, while Decimus is a sexy, practical hero who wants to lavish affection on Corinna and keep her safe from her enemies. With some nice historical detail, Silk and Steel is a fun read." -- Maija, Fallen Angel Reviews
4 STARS: "Silk and Steel is captivating and wonderfully written...Corrina has so much depth and interest as a slave. She shows that being a slave doesn't mean sacrificing all of you. Decimus wants a red head to love and he found her in Corrina. He treats her with love and respect even though she belongs to him. He shows what a true man is; in that he can love a woman and dominate her while still being gentle and loving...The sex was very arousing with a little of everything, including spankings, oral and regular sex. I highly recommend Silk and Steel for anyone who likes a traditional love story or something a little different." -- Heather Nestorick, Just Erotic Romance Reviews
4 CHERRIES: "Ms. Townsend writes an interesting historical. Many try to write about Ancient Rome and end up with fantasy stories. This isn’t one of them. The attention to detail keeps the reader locked in the story from page one. You feel for the characters and want to see them find happiness...And sex scenes? This story is packed with them, but not just run-of-the-the mill scenes. These scenes scorch. I’m not much for spanking, but I felt her passion for him and his desire to please her. My only issue? I want to see more! This has the potential to be a longer story and could be more powerful. It’s great as-is, but I want to know more. If you want a steamy short story for a cool winter night, then you need to grab a copy of Silk and Steel." -- Tiger Lily, Whipped Cream Romance Reviews
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