Friday 5 February 2010

Busy, busy, busy

I've been proof-reading my forthcoming A Knight's Enchantment. I've been finishing and editing my fourth Kensington 'knight' novel. I've been proof-reading Asphodel, a futuristic short story that is to appear in the forthcoming Cupid Diaries, out for Valentine's at Classic Romance Revival.

Now the proofs are done and I'm allowing my fourth 'knight' to rest before a final read through, after which I will send it to Kensington. So I have some time to unwind a little....

Here are ten things I do to relax:

1. Spend more time with those I love.
2. Read other writers, especially other genres.
3. Clean my house and cook - cakes, pasties, all the 'fun' things I don't feel I have time to make when I'm driving for deadlines.
4. Listen to music.
5. Go for walks, especially in woodland.
6. See and chat to my friends: coffees, lunches, the whole 'girlie' thing.
7. Weed the garden.
8. Grab a massage.
9. Have long baths.
10. Watch TV.

How do you unwind?

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Kathleen O said...

That is an easy question to answer for me.. READ, READ, READ.. the best way I know to relax is to loose myself in a good book while listening to som of my favourite tunes... Of course a nice massage would go along way to helping the process. And being with friends, that is just a given. Which I will be doing next weekend.. Can't wait.

Kaye Manro said...

Unwind? What is that? lol. I love long baths, walks in the woods, watching favorite seires on TV and reading.

Sarah Simas said...

HI Lindsay!

Goodness! You have been busy! I hope you treat yourself frequently to somethin off of your list!

I enjoy reading and watching one my favorite TV shows. That always helps me unwind--especially if chocolate is involved! lol