There's been little traffic past our door in the past couple of days because we live on a very steep hill and the road has been treacherous with snow, ice and slush. Just as well, really, since I'm busy finishing my third 'knight' book for Kensington and the edits of
Bronze Lightning turned up in my email last night.
Then this morning a writing-group friend, Alan Calder, sent me this attractive snow scene from his home a few miles away in Honley, so - with his kind permission - I thought I'd pass it on.
Oh, Lindsay, that is an exquisite snow picture... It's so similar to the way it looks here when it snows that much...but also disimilar because of your English countryside is different than my tame prairie, or is that what the area is called, countryside?
Yay, for you finishing up your Kensington title and good luck on getting your edits done painlessly.
Hi Savanna, yes, we Brits call it countryside. And from the things you've said about your prairie on your blog - look, folks here:
- and the beautiful pics you've posted of glorious birds etc, it must be really something.
Maybe we should blog on HEA about the weather and how we use it?
Thanks again and if you have any snow pics I'd love to see them. (Or snowmen!)
Hey Lindsay! It's so freezing and snowy here in the northeast USA too! I can surely relate.
And good luck with your edits.
Thanks, Kaye. Keep warm and safe over there - spring's around the corner (somewhere!).
So beautiful. There is nothing as sense-awakening as freshly fallen snow.
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